Thursday, May 22, 2008

Born as a Risk Taker

I'm a risk taker. Risk takers, well, they take a lot of risks. Some decisions turn out great. Some don't. That's just the way it goes (...and that, as we all know is true for everyone in life, risk takers or not). But the more risks one takes, the more chances for success, adventure, and whatever other exciting direction it might lead to. And of course, the more chances for falling on ones face in failure as well.

After reading my last few blogs, some of you might be thinking, "Why the heck did she go to that horrible place?! and why did Jody send all this personal info out?! What was she thinking?!" Well, even I am asking those questions myself today, wondering if I made the right decisions...wondering if there is a lesson for me to learn in this.

Why did I go to that place? Well, because I didn't think it was going to be horrible of course. I took a risk. In my circle of naturopathic medicine, lots of people do 'detox' programs and generally they feel great afterwards. The physical place itself was quite beautiful....little bungalows on a secluded beach. I didn't know I was not going to be able to swim. I didn't know I was going to feel so horrible. I took a risk. Did it turn out good? or bad? Both, I guess. I'm a risk taker. I love taking risks. I get bored with life if I don't. So I guess it was good.

Why did I expose all that personal info? Well, because being real, telling the truth with nothing to hide, answering the question, "how are you today?" honestly...these are all things that I hold to be important in my life. They are a core part of who I am...and I think why many people love me...because I'm real. I speak my truth. I am bold. I don't hold back. Now, these traits might be the same traits as to why some people don't like me. "She's obnoxious. Why does she act that way? That is so inappropriate." So what do I do, be someone else to try to please everybody? Well, we all know that is never possible. So, I just choose to be me, love the people who love me, and let go of people who don't. Having said that, I also strive to be to feedback, open to learning from my mistakes, open to apologizing when I need to apologize....Because being bold carries its risks. Being a bold risk taker is not the 'safe' way to go through life....but I sure have a lot of fun. :-)

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