May 11, 2008
Woke up on day 6 of my ‘tropical vacation’, still extremely nauseated like I’ve been since day 2, wondering how the heck I was going to make it through another day of feeling so relentlessly horrible. Thank God, at about 11am, the nausea lifted. Amen! The lack of desire to walk any further than 10 feet still remains (it’s day 7 now), but at least I can just relax in my hammock all day and enjoy the beautiful sights of the jungle. Since it’s the weekend, I’m assuming that I have not heard back yet from the doctor/author who I sent an email to (explained in my previous entry) so I haven’t checked. Also, I’m so excited to hear back, that I don’t want to be disappointed if there is no reply. So if I wait until Monday, there’s a greater chance that I’ll have received a reply. But you guys know me, I’m not giving up until I get an answer. I’ll find her.
So I’ve almost completed 7 days of this ‘total body cleanse’ and given that I still feel horrible (meaning that my body is still fighting to get rid of whatever I have inside that doesn’t belong there) my drive and determination to meet with this, “The cause of all disease is pollutants and parasites” doctor just keeps getting stronger. Perhaps she needs an intern? Perhaps I could study with her for a year or two? I’ve already thought of the endless list of people I could help. My dad’s friend and my aunt with their bizarre digestive issues for decades which have never been solved. The people I know with chronic depression. Maybe even those with high blood pressure or debilitating arthritis. It even gives the most interesting explanation for addictions I’ve ever heard.
There are so many conditions that people are chronically suffering from which the medical community of today has no answers to….just pain killers, anti-inflammatories…an endless list of expensive drugs that just suppress symptoms and attempt to make living with the issue more bearable. Show me one of them that finds and treats the cause. The parasite thing makes sense to me. Think about the dramatic decline in the quality of meat production in the past 20 years. Cows that live locked up in a cell their entire lives, never seeing sunlight or a green pasture on which to roam. Mad-cow disease. Cattle farms doing all they can to cut costs and feeding the cattle who-knows-what to save money…dead infected fellow cows in some cases.
And think about all the chemicals in our world today. None of these existed throughout the millions of years of human evolution until just the past 100 or so years. What’s in your toothpaste that you put in your mouth everyday? How about all the chemicals in soaps and detergents that we wash our hands, our clothes, our sheets, our dishes and even our silverware with? Don’t you love that ‘new car smell?’ Well, you’re inhaling a bunch of chemicals. Same thing is true for ‘air fresheners’ and scented candles. Got carpet in your house? It is one of the worst pollutants in your home, off-gassing its chemicals for up to 10 years. Pesticides are sprayed on your food. If you eat food out of a package, bottle, or can (which means its spent a good chunk of its life in a dirty manufacturing plant), you’re likely eating a mouthful of chemicals with every bite.
All I know is that I strongly feel a need to pursue learning more about the wisdom I have found in this book. The answers she gives to the causes of my various chronic ailments makes more sense to me than anything I’ve ever discovered. If its wisdom is sound, I just keep thinking of the amazing impact I could make on 100’s of people’s lives. Maybe I’ll be a key person to do so. Maybe discovering this is why I’ve come to Thailand. Or maybe, all has yet to be revealed…only time will tell.
…So another week has passed. I am home now. This doctor’s name is Dr. Hulda Clark. She now only treats seriously ill…mostly cancer and AIDS. I have called but no luck getting through. Her clinic is in Tijuana. Red flag! Right? To me, its not a red flag. I have a deep seated mis-trust in the true motives of our government/health care system. The pharmaceutical companies are in bed with the politicians. The amount of money Americans spend on pharmaceutical drugs is one of THE top drivers of the US economy. Any finding that threatens the ‘health’ of our economy by improving OUR health via a non-drug protocol is surely not going to be welcomed in this country, in my opinion.…especially if it is a major finding with potentially far reaching benefits. The bigger it’s potential, the greater the likelihood its findings will be smashed, suppressed, and all evidence sent away. I am definitely not a glass half-empty person. But sorry, in this case I have ZERO hope that a major medical finding, if it threatens the massive use of pharmaceutical drugs in any way, would be released in the US….ZERO chance.
There are practitioners all around the world that use ‘Dr. Clark’s protocols.’ She is even quite forthcoming with how she treats patients. Here is an interesting quote I found:
“The number of microscopic and non-microscopic invaders that are in the human body on a regular basis is truly astounding! What's even more astounding, though, is the fact that the medical establishment seems to be completely oblivious to their presence. The damage they do, however, is very real and is a major source of suffering for an almost completely unsuspecting public. The World Health Organization and other knowledgeable health groups around the world have stated that parasite infestation is the number one health problem in the world. Yet your friendly, local doctor is unaware for the most part. Or it may be that he is simply unwilling to spend time trying to convince people of the problem. In the United States we seem to believe that parasites are only problems for poor people from some third world country. We are too clean and civilized to ever have parasite problems. Think again! Recent studies published in major medical journals state that the average American is carrying around two pounds of parasites in their body. If you think you are immune to the problem, all I can say is ignorance may be bliss, but denial is the worst kind of stupidity. I don't mean to be too pushy or preachy here, but most people simple refuse to believe what is going on, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. And it's costing the American public dearly.”…Dennis Harwood.
Here’s the website: It also talks about a device Dr. Clark uses that if I attempt to explain, I’m sure I’ll lose all of you to your own skepticism. Well, I’m going to buy one. She also uses a very well known list of anti-parasitic herbs, which I have ordered. So that’s my plan. I’m going to use “Dr. Clark’s anti-parasitic protocol’ and see how it goes. Stay tuned.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
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